
Regardless of your former experience, this session is designed to help you effortlessly sink into deep relaxation, along with the most precious meditative states.

We cover a wide variety of powerful, yet simple exercise including healthy breathing, visualization, affirmations, mantras, chakra and zen meditation etc. - fully customized to your needs and preferences.

Per your request, we can incorporate further powerful tools, such as sound bath, energy healing, as well as Katalin’s meditation music and guided meditation recordings to enhance your daily practice.

Our process initiates lasting and comprehensive results, even after one consultation. The session is usually 60-90 minutes long, and can be done in-person or remotely, privately or in a group as well! You can book below, fill in our contact form on the next page, and we will reach out to schedule soon.

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“Katalin has helped me immensely at a time in life where things were crumbling down. Through the sessions I learned about my path in life and the deep knowledge about myself helped me to find courage and inner drive to follow it. For the first time in a long time I feel I have someone that is supporting me and guiding me with deep wisdom that is tailored specifically for me.” - Sagit Zilberman

“Katalin, I can't thank you enough for the wonderful session we had last night. I feel like you changed my life! I went home and was beaming about the experience to Jeremy. I can't wait to continue on this journey and join more meditation sessions.” - Melanie Cannetto